Monday, October 13, 2008

Paternal Responsibilities

I have been a father for nearly 3 years now, I am going to be a father for the second time in a few hours. Besides ensuring that my family has a roof over their heads, comfortable life and the usual paternal responsibilities related cliches I have come to realise that its not what I as a father provide for the family in monetary and material form that matters most...what is important is the time that I spend with my family and most important are the values that I impart to my kids. Values such as respect and humility. Patience and being humble. Always do your utmost best...and the most important of all...respect for your can be an can be public enemy number 1...but if you respect and seek your wife's advice as an equal partner, you can always be assured of a safe and warm sanctury at HOME...a place where you can seek comfort and solace from work and peer related pressure.

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