Friday, May 05, 2006

Office Relocation

Finally after weeks of planning, we finally relocated the office. Its on the same floor but on the "other side" of the building...the scenic side. Instead of overlooking the industrial area we now get a nice view of the collage and shopping center next door.

The new place has a small water fountain or whatever you want to call it...left over by the previous tenant. My new added responsibility is to feed the fishes...

My new cubicle...gosh I am going to fill so claustrophobic, my old cubile has a hugh window where I can just stare out whenever I feel stressed...

I am going to get one of Anthony's pic enlarged so that I can paste is as a poster in front of me...his cute face will relieve me of any stress.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

New office...kena demoted-ke? From window office to no window?

Yeah I know what you mean, i also have no windows, but at least yours have 4 walls...

Fishes... what kind? Who's going to clean it? Got mosquito or not?